Saturday, February 15, 2025

WebAssembly (WASM) with Go (Golang) Basic Example

I first wrote about using Go for WebAssembly (WASM) 6 years ago right before the release of Go 1.11 which was the first time Go supported compiling to WASM.  Go's initial support for WASM had many limitations (some I listed in my initial article) which have since been addressed so I decided to revisit the topic with some updated example of using Go for WASM.

Being able to compile code to WASM now allow:

  • Go programs to run in the browser. 
  • Go functions to be called by JavaScript in the browser.
  • Go code to call JavaScript functions through syscall/js.
  • Go code access to the DOM.


Go's official Wiki now has an article on the basics of using Go for WASM including how to set the compile target and setup.  

A quick summary of the steps to the process:

Compile to WASM with the output file ending as wasm since it's likely that the mime type set in /etc/mime probably use the wasm extension.

> GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o <filename>.wasm

Copy the JavaScript support file to your working directory (wherever your http server will serve it from).  It's necessary to use the matching wasm_exec.js for the version of the Go being used so maybe put this as part of the build script.

> cp "$(go env GOROOT)/lib/wasm/wasm_exec.js" .

Then add the following to the html file to load the WASM binary: 

<script src="wasm_exec.js"></script>
    const go = new Go();
    WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("main.wasm"), go.importObject).then((result) => {

Keeping It Running

It is a good starting point but the Go code example is too simplistic.  It only demonstrates that the WASM binary that is created by Go can be loaded by having write a line to the browser's console.  The Go program basically gets loaded by the browser, prints a line and exits.   Most of the time, it's probably desirable to have the WASM binary get loaded and stay running.  This can be achieved by either having having a channel that keeps waiting:

c := make(chan struct{}, 0)
<- c

or even easier:

select {}

Have either of these at the end of main() will keep the program alive after it gets loaded into the browser.

In Place of JavaScript

Being able to access the DOM excites me the most because it allows me to avoid writing JavaScript followed by being able to run Go programs in the browsers.  While I think the inter-op between Go and JavaScript is probably the most practical application, it's not something I've had to do much since I'm not a front-end developing doing optimizations or trying to reuse Go code between the front-end and back-end.

I don't mind using HTML for UI development or even CSS, I'm just personally not a fan of JavaScript.  This isn't to say that it is bad, just I prefer other languages just like some people prefer C++, Java, Python, etc.  I don't have fun writing JavaScript like I do with with Go if though I know JavaScript.

Take a basic example of a web app (index.html) with a button to illustrate:

<!DOCTYPE html>                                                                 
  <html lang="en">                                                                  
      <meta charset="UTF-8">                                                        
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">        
      <button id="myButton">Click Me</button>                                                                                                     

JavaScript is used to attach an event to it so that when the button is clicked, an alert message pops up:

    // Select the button element                                            
    const button = document.getElementById('myButton');                     
    // Attach an event listener to the button                               
    button.addEventListener('click', function() {                           
       alert('Button clicked!');                                           

With WASM, the JavaScript can be replaced with Go code:

 package main                                                                       
  import (                                                                                                                                                   
  func main() {                                                                   
      document := dom.GetWindow().Document()                                      
      // Select the button element                                                                       
      button := document.GetElementByID("myButton")                               
      // Attach an event listener to the button
      button.AddEventListener("click", false, func(dom.Event) {                   
          dom.GetWindow().Alert("Button clicked!")                                
      select {}

In this case, the Go code looks extremely similar to the JavaScript code because I'm using the package.  It is a Go binding to the JavaScript DOM APIs and I find that it makes it more convenient than using syscall/js directly.

Why do I prefer this over writing JavaScript especially when they look so similar?   The main reason is that most code is not just calling an API.  There's other logic that are implemented and for those, I can use Go and Go's libraries along with the benefits of a compiled and type safe language. 

There are still things that needs to be considered before just using Go and WASM for general consumer production web app.  The binary size can be large so it needs to be considered for your audience, but if I'm doing my own hobby project for myself or corporate apps where I know the user have fast connections, or if app performance and functionality outweighs the initial download and memory usage, I'd try to use it.

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Death of Software Engineering Is Premature

There is a lot to be excited about when it comes to advancement in language models.  The people that benefits the most are software engineers because it can enhance the productivity of knowledgeable engineers. 

While a simple prompt such as "build me a web app with a conversation interface," will result in a functional web app (this is great because building a basic commodity applications is now accessible to everyone),  these aren't the type of applications software engineers are normally tasked to write.  Software engineers are tasked with building multi-layered and evolving software that can't be fully described with a few prompts.  To build the software that businesses need require skilled and knowledgeable people to direct the engineering work of the AI.

I built a simple app to filter news headlines that is small enough to be digestible in a post that I think shows how far a layman can go with building software using LLMs and why software engineers are still needed.  

The First Prompt

Let's start with what many executive might think makes software engineers unnecessary: 

Build me an app that will filter out political articles from Google News.

ChatGPT understood enough to generate an app using keywords to filter the headlines.  One time it created a React app and a second time it used Python.  Both times it used to get the news feeds and require you understand how to build and run the app.  The main issue is that the app isn't really wanted I wanted.  It provides news search which the results are then matched with keywords to decide what to filter out.  I wanted the news that I normally see when I visit minus the political articles so I tell ChatGPT precisely that:

I don't want to search for news.  I want to see the articles that I see when visiting minus political articles

The first time I asked ChatGPT it understood this enough to switch to using the Google News RSS feed which is excellent!  The second time, it concluded that the way is to scrape  Both of these prompt highlights that some specialized knowledge is needed.  Does the programming language matter?  Should it use RSS or web scraping?  How do you run the code it generates?  Can these questions be ignored? Who in the organization does the CEO expect to be able to answer these questions?

The Second Prompt

While the CEO might not be able to use the AI, it is possible that a non-engineer or someone who don't know how to program can know enough to give more details in the prompt that improves on the first prompt.  A technical product manager could give the AI the extra details: 
  1. single page web app using material design 
    1. have a header with the company logo on the left
    2. have a settings menu on the right side of the header
    3. ...
  2. web app will get the list of headlines to display 
  3. pull headlines from RSS feeds and have a LLM return the items that are not political
  4. build it with language X on the backend and basic Javascript and CSS on the front end.
(4) was included to demonstrate how software often needs to fit in with a business' existing infrastructure.  If the AI return an React app but there is not infrastructure to build and deploy React apps then we'd be looking at additional costs and efforts to add that ability simply because the AI had no knowledge of what is reasonable for a specific business.

LLMs are capable of generating this app although the generated code didn't actually work and I had to guide it to how to fix thing but for now let's assume that the LLM generated a fully working app. 

If we were to stop here then we might conclude that software engineers aren't needed anymore, but I believe the conclusion is actually that for companies that previously did not have engineers that they now have access to some skills their organization never had before.  For example, a small company who has an office manager built a spreadsheet that they're running their business on would benefit because while their spreadsheet worked it is still limited.  The next step to expand the spreadsheet that would previously required some coding knowledge to extend the worksheet can now be done by the office manager with the aid of an AI.  There is cost saving for the company because they didn't have to hire a consultant (these companies probably don't have enough work to hire a full time engineer to be on staff).

Remember that I left out a number of things that the AI cannot do including turning the code into an app and deploying the app, but the biggest hurdle would be if the AI did not get all the requirement for the app initially.  I had success prompting the AI to make certain changes and enhancements but multiple times the AI would make a change that didn't work and go further-and-further down the rabbit hole and no prompting got it to fix the problem until I have it very specific instructions on how to fix ("In function X, change the max/min values to be Y for variable V").  

Basically, maintaining, fixing and enhancing the app is where the challenge is and that's where most engineers are spending their time.

The Third Prompt

Prompt 3 (in real life was actually what I did first) was the fastest and most productive way towards building a working application and this was to have a design and giving the AI many specific implementation instructions.  I knew the architecture, algorithm and code structure and used that knowledge to guided the AI so that it was essentially very fast typist of code:
  • Write a FetchRSS function that takes in a string value for the RSS feed configuration file path.
  • In FetchRSS, open up the the configuration file and loop through each line to get the URL.
  • For each URL, fetch it and parse the RSS response into a slice of strings
  • Oh, ignore any lines that are blank or starts with '#'
  • ...
Since I enjoyed typing out code, I tended to write my own stuff but for the "boring" codes (e.g. handling when err != nil) I'll have the AI write it.

I was able to complete the code much faster, make fewer trips to looking up references and documentation and with few bugs from typos.  


Having a AI capable of building software for you business is not realistic.  My example app is too simplistic to be any company's product and it still wasn't able to do that.  

Having a knowledgeable person on staff using AI will increase your staff's ability to do their jobs better and allow companies to do things they previously couldn't but most of these things are not things software engineers typically do.   If companies tries to have non-engineers do software engineering work with the AI will like result in decrease productivity.  Any gains from having something done quickly at the beginning will also be quickly overshadowed by the inability to maintain and enhance the software.

It is ultimately a decision companies have to make for themselves.  Is a % reduction in compensating engineers a greater value then expanding by factors the productivity and capabilities of the engineers (reduce cost vs growth)? 

What is complex today will be not as complex tomorrow.  They will become common and AI will be able to take care of those things, but as AI take over more of the common stuff that will allow engineers to tackle the next level of complexity with more originality because businesses originality to survive.  There are leaders at technology companies boasting about being able to get rid of their software engineers or how they will stop hiring more engineers.   These leaders are making a choice to make cheap commodity products in exchange for growth and innovation, but they might find themselves racing to the bottom instead of accelerating to the top.  

Can AI someday outpace people?  Maybe.  But it's not now.  Declaring that engineers aren't needed is pre-mature.

Using AI/LLM to Implement a News Headline Filter

There are news topics that I'd rather avoid being bombarded with, but options for filtering headlines on the news sites are generally very limited.  You can tell Google News to block certain sources and there's an "fewer like this" option which doesn't seem to do anything, but neither will block topics (e.g."politics", "reality TV shows", etc. ) so you still end up getting bombarded with things you don't want to see even in your "personalized" views.  Fortunately, sites like Google News provide RSS feeds that makes it easier to get the list of headlines, links and descriptions and avoid trying to scrape websites which can be brittle as the sites can change their layout at any time.

I decided to write my own filter take out things that I'm not interested in and publish the result to a site that I can access from any browser.  The simplest way (and one that doesn't even need site to host the result) is to have a list of blocked words and drop any headlines with those words.  As long as the app can access the RSS feed even a mobile app can easily handle this kind of filtering, but creating and maintaining an effective block list becomes a challenge.  A political news article isn't going to be "Political Article on City Council Votes On Artificial Turf at Parks.  This is a good use case for using a language model to categorize a headline instead of using a keyword filter.

I created a prompt in natural language explaining what I don't want to see along with some additional details to add to common definitions and then sent my instructions with the list of headlines to the language model and have it return a filtered list:
Remove all political headlines.  Headlines that includes political figures, and celebrities who are active in politics such as Elon Musk should also be removed.
Being able to use natural language to handle categorization makes it so much easier to build the app.  The categorization would've been the most challenging part of the project, but the LLM allowed me to get good results very quickly (took just a few minutes to get the first results but some more time to tweak the prompt).  Another benefit with the large language models such as Gemini is that it understand multiple languages so while I gave my instructions in English, it can filter headlines in French, Chinese, Japanese, etc.

Using an language model does mean giving up some control such as relying on what the model interprets "political" to mean.  Prompts can help refine the model's interpretation but sometimes a headline makes it through the filter and it is not as easy to determine compared to being able to see the algorithm and determine the reasoning.

I encountered a problem where the LLM's response stopped midway.  This was because  LLMs have limits on input and output tokens (how much info you can send out and the size of the response it will send back).  The input token limit is so high that I'm not likely to have enough headlines to even remotely approach it's limit (Gemini is 1 million tokens for the free tier and 2 million tokens for the paid tier and I'll be using around 20,000).  The output limit is much smaller (~8k) so if I wanted it to send back the complete details of the filtered headlines (title and link) it won't be able to.  To address this problem, I send the LLM the headlines with an index and have it return just the index.  If it was a 100 headlines then size of the output is less than 200 tokens.

A cron job will execute the program and write the result as JSON to the server where the web page will load the JSON  and display the headlines:

The code is on Github and you can see it is very simple program.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Upgrading from Fedora 40 to 41

 Decided it's time to upgrade from Fedora 40 to 41 and it was a smooth upgrade.  Will update if I run into any issues, but I've already been running 41 on a laptop for a couple of months so I know that 41 works for what I need and this time it was to upgrade systems that was already running an earlier version.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Powerline Error in VIM with Git

On Fedora 41, opening a Go file that is checked into Git results an error message that flashes briefly before VIM shows the file.  I'm not sure what is the exact cause but it went away when I uninstalled powerline and reinstalled it.   When uninstalling just powerline, it also uninstalled VIM for some reason the re-install was actually `dnf install vim powerline`.