Saturday, February 21, 2015

After installing Fedora, it's time to install Fedora.

Installing Fedora is easy.  Boot up the Live DVD and let 'er rip.  Once it installs itself on to your drive and reboots you'll likely find yourself in Gnome Shell.  Of course, you're not really done with setting up Fedora because it is now time to update and customize!

First thing you'll ways want to do is to run the update to make sure you get all the latest patches and security fixes.
sudo yum update
Note that to use sudo you'll have to mark the account you're using as an administrator account.

Because Fedora believes very much in being purely open source, you won't find things like VLC or Google Chrome so you'll have to add those yourself.  The simplest way is to add RPM Fusion which just requires you to run a one line command to grab it and install it on your system.

Install VLC

sudo yum install vlc

Install Google Chrome

To install Google Chrome, you'll first want to install the package signing key from the Google Linux Repository:
sudo rpm --import
Then you can download Google Chrome RPM package and install it.  It will add the Chrome repository for yum:
sudo yum localinstall
Note: this is the 64-bit version of Chrome and not the 32-bit version.

Change Desktop Environment

To switch to another desktop environment such as XCFE, you can use yum as well:
sudo yum group install "Xcfe Desktop" --exclude fedora-release-*
Then at log-in select XCFE as your choice for desktop manager.

If you prefer Cinnamon, then it'd be:

sudo yum group install "Cinnamon Desktop" --exclude fedora-release-*

To see what other environments are available, simply type:
sudo yum group list

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